Revolutionizing E-Bike Cargo Frames: Our Journey from Design Challenge to Sustainable Innovation

E-Cargo Trike Evolution
At Bamboo Bicycle we help people to build there own bicycles from scratch, Our neighbour is the contemporary equivalent of the classic milkman, delivering milk and bread using e-cargo bikes. However, the costs of these bikes were a hurdle to there growth. Challenged by this, we embarked on a mission to design an e-cargo delivery bike from the ground up.
In our research, we examined numerous designs featuring different components like boxes, canopies, and drivetrains. We noticed significant design shortcomings. While some were sturdy, they lacked user-friendliness and ergonomic considerations. Many canopy designs were overly rigid, leading to excessive vibrations and compromised visibility. The component choices in many models left much to be desired, with subpar parts repurposed from cheap motorcycles. Additionally, the predominant drivetrain designs often had a single drive wheel, resulting in undue wear on the bearings and chain.
After extensive research and enjoyable test rides, we crafted our design objectives:
- A robust all-wheel drive differential.
- Hydraulic discs with a dual-lever system.
- Strengthening through the incorporation of Guadua Bamboo (100mm).
- A load capacity of 250KG.
- Utilization of standard bicycle components wherever feasible.
- Creation of the rear box using recyclable modular sheets for easy adaptability.
- Vibration reduction to protect the cargo and ensure rider comfort.
From our previous venture into building bamboo bikes using flax connections, we recognized bamboo's strength, confirmed by exhaustive tests in collaboration with universities testing facilities. This technique became our choice as it eliminated the need for initial investments in moulds or welding—making it ideal for prototyping. We meticulously designed the complete bicycle ensuring the main chassis fit comfortably within major bike lanes, and did not exceed 1m by 2.5m dimensions.
For the delivery box, we selected a recyclable, lightweight honeycomb material supplied as sheet material. Its design simplicity means shapes can be modified based on delivery needs, and it's easily shipped for DIY assembly at home.
Given the variable weather conditions of Northern Europe, ensuring rider comfort was paramount. Our canopy, crafted from laminated bamboo, is both durable and flexible, moving in harmony with the trike while maintaining its form. Optimal visibility was a key design criterion.
Our final design showcases the potential of a modest budget paired with innovative materials and expertise. The mid-drive motor ensures reduced maintenance, and our choice of an internal gear hub permits a consistent, durable chainline.
The primary chassis is impressively robust and supports versatile box adaptability. As we look ahead, our goal is to diminish the build time by 90% via a modular system with pre-fabricated lugs, simplifying the assembly process, and enabling anyone to construct a trike tailored to their delivery needs.
As we continue to refine our design, we're eager to collaborate. If our journey intrigues you, please reach out. We're excited to partner with like-minded enthusiasts in the next stages.
- Tags: Bamboo Builds Cost-Effective Solutions Custom Bamboo Canopy Delivery Trikes E-Bike Cargo Frames Efficient Manufacturing Flax Lug Construction Hydraulic Disc Brakes Internal Hub Gear Non-Slip Differential Prototype Development Sustainable Design
Andrea Casalotti onPosted here:
BTW, Surprised you don’t seem to have a Mastodon account
Ant on
Genius idea while the world searches for sustainable alternatives to steel , you use an old favorite; bamboo with 28000 lbs/square in tensile strength (stronger than steel at 23000 lbs/square in) and very sustainable and accessible. Many buildings across the world have been built with bamboo replacing the steel rebar and the cool thing about it is that they grow in the same tubular shape of a steel bike frame that leaves a huge carbon footprint as it must be heated to 871.1111 °c or 1600 °f to heat treat it and make it strong enough to withstand heavy use. I have two matching leftover ebike tyres with hub motors , email me if you think we can create a custom cargo bike with them . The bamboo frame will be a be a big hit at my bicycle club where we often talk about the carbon footprint of our carbon fiber and steel bikes. Nice job Bamboo Bicycle Club.
Reno onWonderful idea
Would love to build with bamboo
Chris Kimber on
This would be a great vehicle for my teenage staff to get around to my urban farm plots!
I looked for the kit on your site, but I don’t find it anywhere!
I would like to build one of these please. ASAP