Cycling to Norway for PAPYRUS Prevention of Young Suicide

Cycling to Norway for PAPYRUS Prevention of Young Suicide

My name is Jock and this summer I will be embarking on a cycling journey over 3,000km from London, England to Bergen, Norway on a bike I made to raise money for the prevention of young suicide. This trip is dedicated to my friend Joe who took his life at the beginning of 2022.


I met Joe right at the beginning of my university life along with many other fantastic people. Joe was a close friend whom I lived with for well over a year and was someone who, regardless of the situation, could always bring a smile to the faces of all those around him. Over the course of knowing Joe, many of those who spent time with him such as myself and many others gained more fond memories of the time we spent together that I could count, be it through the conversations and jokes or adventures and misadventures. I had never before met anyone like Joe, with all the memories I have of him being ones that will never fade, and I can’t imagine that I will meet anyone else like Joe ever again.

  When I found out what had happened, the feeling could only be described as though there was an immense absence that was harrowing to the point where it felt surreal. Unfortunately, suicide is something that is far too common, and I hope that through this fundraising event, even in a small part, it may go on to help others.  

The charity I have chosen for the money raised to go to is PAPYRUS, which is the national UK Charity for the Prevention of Young Suicide. During 2018, over 1,800 young people in the UK took their own lives and young suicide remains the largest killer of those under the age of 35. There is still so much that needs to be done to be able to provide the support for those who need it which is why all the money raised will be going to PAPYRUS. 

 By providing a line for those in need PAPYRUS offers confidential support and advice to young people struggling with thoughts of suicide and anyone worried about a young person through their helpline, HOPELINE247.  Every donation contributes towards access to PAPYRUS’ HOPELINE247 and can be lifesaving, giving someone the help that they need and as everyone should have.


Thank you


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