City Bike by Bridget

City Bike by Bridget

What made you decide to build a bamboo bike?

I think it’s environmentally friendly, and I wanted to learn how to build a bike

Did you enjoy building the bicycle from scratch and would you recommend the experience?

Yes I enjoyed building the bike, James helped me a lot with the difficult parts

What did you find most difficult about your bike build?

I felt the whittling was quite hard when I got tired at the end of the day, also gluing the parts together needed a lot of skill, fortunately James was there to help me.

What was the easiest part of the build?

The second day was a bit easier but fiddly putting all the mechanical parts together, and yet again I got a lot of help from James.

How would you describe the ride of your finished bike?

It was exciting to try out my finished bike, I think it will need a little bit of tweaking for it to be just right

What would you improve about the build experience or your finished bike?

Be prepared for a bit of hard work

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