Gravel Bike by Steve

Gravel Bike by Steve

Design: Gravel Bike
Build: Gravel Frame Build Kit with Gravel Fork
Location: Aberdeen, Scotland 

What made you decide to build a bamboo bike?

The initial inspiration came from an article in Cyclist - Off Road
Building bamboo bike

Did you enjoy building the bicycle from scratch and would you recommend the experience?

Yes, I started the build last winter and it taught me a heap of new skills as well as giving a real appreciation of how a bike is put together. I'd recommend that every keen cyclist tries it once!
bicycle frame buildsteve with frame

What did you find most difficult about your bike build?

Definitely the binding of the mitered joins, especially round the bottom bracket / stays

What was the easiest part of the build?

Making the mitre's and sanding them to make close joins. I found it to be a pretty relaxing experience.
Finishing a bamboo frame

How would you describe the ride of your finished bike?

It's so smooth and comfy over the trails that I normally ride. I had heard that bamboo has a "dampening effect" and I've found that to be the case.
bamboo frame

What would you improve about the build experience or your finished bike?

I think I'd have modified the clearance to take wider tyres, but other than that, nothing!
bamboo gravel bike
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